
Here are patterns for some of our more popular makes.

Bourne Quilter Sashes

These sashes can be worn at our Quilt Show, whenever we are meeting the public (e.g. at Doughty Days) or when we do ‘Show and Tell’ for other quilting groups.

You have free rein as far as the design goes providing that your sash satisfies two criteria. It must be blue and yellow (not turquoise) and be 5″ finished width. The finished length will be different for everyone as it will need to suit each member. The binding should be navvy blue so that there is a consistent element to the sashes.

Here are some examples of sashes. Have fun making yours!

Raffle Quilt

The Group Quilt that we are making this year will be raffle to support Tuppenny Barn – a local charity. Group members were asked to make garlic knot blocks using white fabric provided by the group. Instructions for making the block are here. The blocks have now all been received and the quilt is being assembled.

More information about Tuppenny Barn and the work that they do can be found at

Group Projects

In 2020, during lockdown, members worked on a number of different projects with support available during zoom calls.

There was a Mystery Christmas Quilt

The pattern is available to purchase from here

Another popular project was the Sew by Row quilt from Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet

There is a YouTube tutorial to go with this pattern and links to purchase the pattern

Pauline’s Shadow Quilt

Here are the instructions for Pauline’s Shadow quilt which she kindly shared with us and gave instructions and help on in Zoom meetings.

The instructions given below are the requirements for a small quilt, but also what is required per block should you wish to join us just to make one block to see how it is made.

These requirements are for a quilt 6 blocks across by 8 blocks down. The finished size (before the border) is 44 ½” inches by 57 ½ inches.(I think!)
Main Fabric 48 squares 6” x 6”
Shadow Fabric 48 strips 5” x 1 ½ “ (one strip per block)
48 strips 6” x 1 ½” (one strip per block)
Fabric 96 squares 1 ½” x 1 ½” (2 per block)
You will also require approximately a further ½ metre for sashing but I suggest you cut this later.
Sew 1 x 1 ½” b/ground square to one end of each 5” shadow strip
Sew 1 x 1 ½” b/ground square to one end of each 6” shadow strip
Attach shorter strip to bottom of square. If using a directional print the white square should be on the right hand corner. PRESS TOWARDS MAIN SQUARE.
Attach longer strip to left hand side of square. PRESS TOWARDS MAIN SQUARE.
Join each row of 6 blocks with 5 sashing strips 7” x 1 ½” to join the blocks together.
Measure each row and cut 9 long sashing strips 1 ½”wide to join the 8 rows together plus a strip for top and bottom
Measure length of quilt and cut two long sashing strips for the two sides.
Border of your choosing.